The expedition was completed.
The main conclusion, made on the basis of the field works
is that the traces of the stay of the Lassenius detachment
in the area of the delta of the River Khara-Ulakh were
not found.
July 14, 2001
On July 15 the research
group of the Adventure Club will take a flight from Moscow
to Tiksy, the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The main objectives
of the historical-archaeological expedition "Mystery of
the Lassenius detachment" are as follows: a search and
excavations of the wintering place of the participants
of the Great Northern Expedition.
5, 2001
In July the historical-archaeological
expedition "Mystery of the Lassenius detachment" will
start its work at the mouth of the Khara-Ulakh River,
the coast of the Laptev Sea, the Sakha Republic (Yakutia).