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Children of the Arctic


Great Adventure


Youth Expedition to the North Pole

A ski tour to the North Pole

The Museum of the Yacht Apostol Andrey



To the North Pole during polar night


Polar Passage `2000

Third circumnavigation of
the yacht Apostol Andrey

Dr. Hanpel’s Expedition

Korean team in the Bering Strait

Following in Dr. Cook’s tracks

Expedition of Prince Albert II to the North Pole

25 years together with the North Pole

Great Russian Race

Second circumnavigation of the yacht Apostol Andrey

First circumnavigation of
the yacht Apostol Andrey

Siberia Expedition

Ascent of Mt. McKinley

Eduard Toll’s Treasure

Dezhnev, Pronchishchev, Lassenius

Bering Strait

Mystery of Lassenius

Pronchishchev’s Land

Challenging Greenland

Truck Global Expedition

Expedition of Gilles Elkaim

Dmitry Shparo


Matvey Shparo




Projects 1989-2013


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Arctic and Antarctic expeditionary centre Polus
Arctic and Antarctic expeditionary centre Polus
Arctic and Antarctic expeditionary centre Polus






































































































Organization of expeditions and varrious adventurous projects

Gerhard Hampel's expedition The Expedition "Yakutia" Gerhard Hampel narrates
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Gerhard Hampel's Family Expedition

In spring 2007 Gerhard Hampel together with his son Christian Hampel attempted to carry out the expedition dedicated to the memory of Eduard von Toll, German Baron and Russian polar explorer.

On March 9, 2007 Gerhard and Christian started from the Arctic Port Tiksy. The explorers planned to travel along the edge of Eurasia and over the ice of the Strait of Dmitry Laptev to come to the Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island (Novosibirsky Islands), and then to reach the Kotelny Island via the Sannikov Strait. En route they were using a dog sled (as before) and a snowmobile (for the first time).

In spring 2005 Gerhard and Christian made the first attempt to travel along this route. The expedition was dedicated to the memory of Eduard von Toll (1858-1902). Baron Toll, a Baltic German by origin, was one of the most outstanding Russian polar explorers. He made significant scientific discoveries in the fields of geology, geography and zoology. In 1900 he headed the First Russian Polar Expedition, organized by the Academy of Sciences. The objective of this Expedition was a search of new lands, in particular – a mysterious Sannikov Land. The Expedition had achieved significant scientific results, but Eduard Toll and his three companions perished and their bodies were not found.

On April 10, 2007 the participants (father and son) had successfully reached the Nerpichja Bay at the Kotelny Island, where in 1901-1902 a schooner Zarya of Eduard Toll spent the winter. In Russia the Adventure Club was responsible for support and organization of logistics of the expedition.

The family team:

  • Gerhard Hampel, 58. The author of the Project. Professor, Doctor of Medicine. Since 1993 Gerhard has been actively involved in traveling on dog sleds. He has his own huskies and he carried out several successful expeditions during the last years:
    • along the east coast of the Baffin Land, Canada (1997);
    • series of journeys along the Swedish Lapland (1998-2001);
    • an expedition along the North-West territories of Canada (2002);
    • the Expedition "Yakutia" – one thousand-kilometer route along the East Siberia from Tiksy to Yakutsk (2003).
  • Christian Hampel, 20, a student. He started to travel with his father since he was 11 years old. Christian participated in the serial journeys along the Swedish Lapland. In 2002 Christian together with his father covered 1000 km along the North-West territories of Canada.

See also: www.siberia-expedition.com

Gerhard Hampel's expedition The Expedition "Yakutia" Gerhard Hampel narrates
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